Tuesday, March 29, 2016

On morals in religion

Is het te narcistisch om jezelf te citeren?
"I like to believe that humans as they are, are non evaluative in a moral sense, but their actions are evaluative, obviously considering the culture in which they live. This opposes religious morality, in which virtues and vices are central, and they are key to religious understandig of morality. The actor is morally accountable but not as a human. Not: you are wrong, but: you have done this wrong. The distinction between these two ...might seem small at first sight, but, in fact, they are radically different. Recklessness, selfishness, considerateness, moderate, greed, are virtues and vices and have, in my opinion, nothing to do with morality. A person can do something that is reckless, but he can never BE reckless."
Uit een discussie over deugdenleer en de morele implicaties van religie, ongeveer 2010..

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